Grandma Cheryl feeding you birthday cake |
A very interesting thing is that you are learning two languages. You have a Spanish-speaking-only nanny. I think her name is Josey, but at the moment I'm not even sure how to spell it. Your Mommy will tell you that Josey cared for her when she was a small girl. And now Josey lives with you in your house and looks after you while Mommy and Daddy are at work. So when we ask you, "Byron, how old are you?"
you hold up two fingers and say, "Two annos." We love it! You're learning Spanish. You'll grow up able to converse with people who speak both English and Spanish. How cool is that?
Here's the family on GGPa's & GGMa's deck at Easter |
This year I decided to find out more about the people who make up your family tree. Last year, as you noticed, I wrote a little about that, but it was pretty scattered. This year I'm going searching, To help I've become a member of a marvelous website called And as I learn more and more how to dig around I'll share more information about your family, both on your Daddy's and on your Mommy's side.
For starters I've begun to research the Swanberg family down in south Texas where you were born. I learned at once that your Great-Grandpa Norman's daddy was Emil T. Swanberg. He was born back up in Minnesota in 1893 and already in 1935 lived in Hidalgo and worked as a farmer. Great-Great-Grandpa Emil was married to your Great-Great-Grandma Hildegarde. Looks like she was about a year younger than him. She was also born in Minnesota.
Now here's where it gets interesting. From what has been tossed around in our family so far, I learned that both Emil and Hildegarde grew up somewhere around Hastings, Minnesota before moving to Texas. As you know, I grew up on a farm near Coates, Minnesota. That tiny town is only about 10.5 miles from Hastings. Give me some time. I will run this down further and let you know. Not sure I have the facts yet.
Of course the Swanbergs are Swedish and on my Daddy's side, I'm German, but if all this is true, it will be neat to learn that the LORD guided both of these families from the same general area to unite in Texas, some 1,500 miles away. Just what motivated your GGG-Pa Emil and GGG-Ma Hildegarde to move way down to Texas is something I must learn more about. I think it may have had something to do with the fact that our country's economy was in a big depression in the 1930's and farm land was cheap in Texas. But I don't have that story in any detail yet.
When I know more I'll be sure to pass it on.
For now, Byron, keep on learning more and more about how to talk and I'll be talking with you too.